we're all kinds of creative
Leona Arsenault

Leona Arsenault, is a photographer who takes every opportunity to capture the interactions that light has on her subjects. Originally from Abram-Village, Prince Edward Island, Leona has been a prolific photographer and digital artist since 2005 and her photographs have appeared in magazines, calendars, pamphlets, tourist guides, and many other venues including online advertising.
Leona has the gift of magically highlighting the brightness and charm in her landscapes and scenic images, by capturing the beauty of her surroundings. She often takes advantage of the peaceful solitude at dawn, taking photographs that surprises and inspires us.

Exhibits and Galleries
Kier Gallery 132 Richmond ST Charlottetown, PE September 2007
Earth 360 Creative Expo, Guelph, Ontario Earth Day 2006
MacNaught History Centre and Archives, Summerside , PE April, 2011
Eptek Art and Culture Centre, Summerside, PE May, 2010
Acadian Museum of Prince Edward Island, Miscouche, PE June 2012 to April 2013
Vermillion Gallery, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, June 2014 to present
Elavation Gallery, Canmore, Alberta 2014 to the present
Solo Juried Exhibit
Capital Theatre Gallery, Moncton, New Brunswick July and August, 2013
PEI Art and Heritage Trail
PEI Flavour and Culnirary Trail
PEI Guide to Island Experience
La Co-operative d'lntegration francophone de T.-P.-E.
Invert Souvenir -Banquet des entrepreneure
North Cape Coastal Drive Guide
Societe Saint-Thomas-D'Aquin (advertising campaign)
Innovation Express -News from Agriculture and Science of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada PEI Backroads Mapbook -Road and Recreation Atlas published by Mussio Ventures Ltd.
Publication for Agriculture and Agri-Food distributed internationally
PEI Tourist Guide